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"The Seventh Day"

with Hal Holbrook

The Seventh Day with Hal Holbrook

WORLDVIEW, different perspectives, Aztec, Muslim, Evolution & science, bible and space, 7th Day

"Your Bible and you / Give me the Bible"

Kenneth Cox

Give me the Bible

Where the Bible comes from, Bible History, Apologetics

(most priests & pastors don't know this)

World-class Evangelist Kenneth Cox

"2000 & Beyond (Net '96)"

Mark Finley

2000 & beyond Mark Finley

incredible, all-inclusive global series by long-time preacher Mark Finley, all topics

"Revelation Speaks Hope"

Lowell Hargreaves

Lowell Hargreaves

New classic evangelistic series, from around 2000, by AF speaker Lowell Hargreaves, many topics

Total Onslaught, Walter Veith

"Total Onslaught"

Walter Veith

PHENOMINAL!  No one beats Walter Veith, former evolutionist professor, now Bible creationist.  So many topics, VERY DEEP

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"Eleventh Hour Evidence"

David Asscherick

This rocked my world!  with David Asscherick

"Discover Prophecy Seminar"

David Asscherick

Dynamic Speaker David Asscherick.  David  is upbeat, logical, clear, enthusiastic and will keep you learning!  Please attend :)

"Earth's Final Conflict"

(Three Angels' Messages)

Mark Finley

Mark Finley - Earth's Final Conflict 2.P

Awesome series!  Brand new (2020), Long-time world-class evangelist/sharer Mark Finley, excellent production

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"The Bible or Tradition"

Pastor Stephen Bohr

Is Christianity Tradition or Scripture?  Well-researched, from excellent life-long Academic Stephen Bohr

"Lineage Journey"

Incredible production--First class!  Short journeys through (Reformation) history, Spirit of Protestantism (freedom), wonderful photography, well-narrated.

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