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"The Genesis Conflict" & "Total Onslaught"

Walter Veith

 Genesis Conflict  

( 8 videos )

103 - Bones in Stones / Genesis Conflict - Walter Veith

103 - Bones in Stones / Genesis Conflict - Walter Veith

Are there dinosaurs in the Bible? What does the Bible have to say about the appearance and disappearance of dinosaurs? Is the fossil record compatible with the Bible? This lecture discusses the fossil record and compares catastrophism with the standard paradigm of evolution. Alternative models for the order in the fossil record are presented together with evidence for the sudden appearance of all life forms during the so-called "Cambrian explosion." Intro [00:00] How evolution is presented in schools [1:30] There is no such thing as a simple organism, only complex [2:27] Buried rapidly in water - Catastrophism [7:06] Erosion and the Himalayas - An evolutionary contradiction [13:19] The Big Bang of Animal Evolution and the Cambrian Explosion [17:22] Punctuated Equilibrium [22:24] Creatures have always been complex [23:30] What evolutionary processes require / Darwinism logical, but untrue [25:40] Example of problems of evolutionary tree: Pile of dog skulls [29:40] Evolutionary trees are based on inference and not evidence [31:41] Horse Variation [31:58] Comparison of dinosaurs to modern creatures [32:52] Evidence through dinosaur eggs and fossils [42:42] Evidence that dinosaurs did not come from birds [44:57] The world was once filled with creatures (extinction) [52:46] Identical Fossil Forms [55:26] Identical Fossils and Living Creatures [56:30] Walter's Testimony: "I once was an evolutionist" [1:06:02] Nothing is older between 4,000-5,000 years [1:07:23] The basic problem with evolution scientists [1:13:03] Watch more: Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Visit our website:

 Total Onslaught  

( 36 videos )

Jesus Christ | Just Another Man or Son of God?

Jesus Christ | Just Another Man or Son of God?

Who is Jesus? Does He measure up to the Messianic prophecies of the Bible? Is Jesus God? Learn about the 70 weeks of Daniel, a prophecy that pinpoints the date of Messiah’s appearance and find out about the rabbinical curse that threatens those who would calculate the date. Explore the astronomical odds against one man fulfilling even just a few of the hundreds of Messianic prophecies. Professor Walter Veith unravels the ancient prophecies about the Messiah and compares them with the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Consider the evidence and decide for yourself. Click here to download the Study Guide for this lecture: Intro [00:00] Claims By Jesus [1:10] Scientific Probability of Prophecies Fulfilled by Jesus [3:00] Prophecies Concerning Jesus [4:11] Historians On Jesus [15:22] Sanctuary Points to Christ [17:12] Equality of all / One way of Salvation thru Jesus Christ [19:05] Speaks on Multiple Daniel Verses That he will cover later lectures [19:44] 70 Week Prophecy [26:03] Rabbinic Curse [27:30] 70 Week Prophecy (cont'd) [29:00] What Happens on the 70th week? [42:32] Prophecies of Rejection [49:30] What does the veil torn in two represent? [51:43] What Happened in 34 AD? [53:17] Cleansing of the Sanctuary [54:49] Watch more: Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Visit our website:
Hidden Secrets of the Sanctuary Revealed: Jesus and the Plan of Salvation | An Advocate For Our Time

Hidden Secrets of the Sanctuary Revealed: Jesus and the Plan of Salvation | An Advocate For Our Time

How is the plan of salvation depicted in the sanctuary services? Is there a heavenly sanctuary, and if so, what happens up there? What did the ceremonies and feasts of the old Israelite sanctuary portray? Is God really into blood and sacrifice? Was the law nailed to the cross? Discover new facets to the plan of salvation and the beautiful meaning behind the symbolism of the sanctuary and its services. In this study, Walter Veith also looks at the different laws of the Jewish system, with a special focus on contrasting the ceremonial law vs moral law. Learn about Christ's role in the sanctuary system. Discover the Advocate who acts on your behalf in the heavenly courts. Click here to download the Study Guide for this lecture: Intro [00:00] Three Times God Wrote [2:00] What is sin? [3:13] Sin separates from God [6:03] Does the law save us? [9:15] Difference between Ceremonial law and God's Law [16:49] Gospels Vs Moses Books [22:19] Jesus kept the commandments [24:43] 10 Commandments in the NT [27:41] Overview of Sanctuary [30:42] Articles in Sanctuary [38:12] Outter Court Symbolism [38:45] Sacrifice Symbolism [39:43] Labour, Incense, Candlesticks, Showbread [45:06] The Sanctuary Doctrine is beautiful [50:02] The Most Holy [54:14] More Symbolism in Sanctuary [58:55] Seven Feasts [1:00:28] Day of Atonement [1:02:12] Cleansing of Sanctuary [1:06:46] Standard of Judgement [1:09:21] Watch more: Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Visit our website:
Ancient Prophecy Correctly Predicts the Future | Daniel 2 Unlocks the Mists of Time

Ancient Prophecy Correctly Predicts the Future | Daniel 2 Unlocks the Mists of Time

What could the dream of a king who lived more than 2,000 years ago tell us about Napoleon, Hitler, and the powers that rule our present world? Daniel 2 records Nebuchadnezzar’s dream about a great statue. This dream reveals the history of the world to the very close of time. The details of this vision tell us where we are in the stream of time and what events are about to occur on Earth. In this Bible study on Daniel 2, Walter Veith analyzes Nebuchadnezzar's dream in detail and shows how history vindicates the Bible’s authenticity. Find out about Napoleon, Hitler, and their occult connections. Discover what the future holds! Click here to download the Study Guide for this lecture: Intro [00:00] Daniel and Revelation [1:20] Using Symbols Correctly [2:40] Dictionary of Prophetic Terms [4:35] Brief History On Nebu [7:50] Brief History on Daniel [9:42] Portal to the Gods [10:03] Criticism of Daniel 2 [11:25] Leaders Use Magicians and Sorceress [14:13] The Chaldeans [16:43] Daniel Responds To The King [19:31] Daniel Prophecy Is For Us [22:46] What King Nebu Saw [24:05] Dream Interpretation [31:16] Nebu demands Worship [35:15] Brief History on Babylon [37:53] Writing on the wall [40:33] Babylon Unwilling [42:21] Cyrus [42:40] Third Kingdom [45:10] Fourth Kingdom [46:48] Book of Daniel Vindicated [50:00] Fourth kingdom (continued) [51:16] Kingdoms of Europe [54:18] Napolean Bonaparte [59:48] Kaiser Villenha [1:02:57] Hitler [1:05:27] Failure of Leaders [1:11:15] God's Kingdom will never be destroyed [1:13:57] Watch more: Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Visit our website:
Antichrist Revealed: The TRUE Identity They Don't Want You To Know | The Man Behind the Mask

Antichrist Revealed: The TRUE Identity They Don't Want You To Know | The Man Behind the Mask

What is the little horn? And who is the Antichrist? Does the Bible say when the Antichrist will appear on Earth? In this episode, Walter Veith lets the Bible speak to show us who the Antichrist is. Modern-day deceptions regarding the little horn power, along with the doctrines of preterism and futurism, are contrasted with the plain teachings of the Bible. The twelve identifying features of the little horn power of Daniel 7, the signs of the Antichrist, point to the only entity that can qualify as Antichrist. Find out who it is! Click here to download the Study Guide for this lecture: Intro [00:00] Daniels Dream [2:50] First Kingdom [6:37] Second Kingdom [9:46] Third Kingdom [11:53] Fourth Kingdom [12:52] Truth about 4th Beast [17:37] The Little Horn [21:18] Kingdoms Removed By Little Horn [26:26] Judgement Scene [30:31] Paul on son of perdition [31:49] Attributes of Little Horn [42:06] Attributes Attributed [48:09] Two Teachings on AntiChrist [49:01] History + Daniel 1 [50:20] History + Daniel 2 [52:00] History + Daniel 3 [52:54] Definition of Blasphemy and RCC [54:28] Quotes on Popes Authority [59:36] Persecution of the saints [1:00:54] Seek to Change Times & Laws [1:03:28] Dark Ages Prophecy [1:08:44] Power over the whole world [1:14:11] What the reformers taught [1:19:27] Watch more: Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Visit our website:
Is Revelation Meant to Be Understood? Unlocking Rev 1 | The Revelation of Jesus Christ

Is Revelation Meant to Be Understood? Unlocking Rev 1 | The Revelation of Jesus Christ

What is the best way to interpret the visions in the book of Revelation? What background knowledge do we need to understand God's Word correctly? This presentation is a verse-by-verse exposition of Revelation 1, highlighting the deity of Christ and the great battle between good and evil. It takes us back to the time of ancient cultures right up to the present, showing that apostasy from the truth in the past finds its mirror image in the present. Some other topics explored in this episode include: An overview of Revelation's chiastic structure, the symbols of Revelation, sun worship and its symbols, symbols used as occult communication, the Rabbinic course, and an overview of the time of the end and the 2300-day prophecy. Click here to download the Study Guide for this lecture. Intro [00:00] Genesis Vs Revelation [1:48] Topics Covered in Revelation [5:26] Sanctuary Language in Revelation [8:01] Seven Blessings [13:18] Chiastic Structure [17:12] Christ and His People vs Satan and His People [24:14] Jeremiah Importance [30:35] Idols in Last Days [32:50] History on Idol Worship [34:30] Women with Cup [41:48] Temples of Death [42:20] More Pagan History [43:01] First Chapter of Revelation [47:40] First Chapter Continued [53:36] Epanadas [54:50] Difference Between Jesus and other gods [58:15] In the Spirit in the Lord's Day [1:03:34] seven churches introduced [1:04:38] Where is Jesus in heaven? [1:05:12] Old Postal Route of Seven Churches [1:06:10] Paul seeing Jesus in the midst of seven candles [1:06:28] Thank God we are not gods [1:07:46] Current State of the World [1:08:15] Revelation 1:13-15 [1:10:38] Revelation 1:16-18 [1:11:45] Revelation 1:19-20 [1:12:38] Ministry of Christ In the Sanctuary [1:15:44] Daniel 8:14 Cleansing of Sanctuary [1:16:32] Rabbinic Curse [1:17:48] Predictions of The Messiah (2300) Prophecy [1:19:27] Hebrews 9:11-12 [1:20:32] Hebrews 9:3 [1:22:32] Watch more: Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Visit our website:
MYSTERY UNLOCKED: The Truth Behind the 7 Seals of Revelation

MYSTERY UNLOCKED: The Truth Behind the 7 Seals of Revelation

The book of Revelation reveals the good news that there will be a people who, despite persecution, will stand on the platform of truth and will not submit to compromise. This exposé of Revelation 4 to 7 shows the battle surrounding the Gospel and explains the historical significance of the seven seals and their interpretation. It is a fascinating tale of the war between light and darkness which culminates in a final all-out onslaught on the Bible’s teaching that salvation is through Christ alone. This lecture includes both a broad survey of the many interpretations of the seals, and the historical significance of the seals. Learn the history of the Christian church as portrayed by the seals. See the great controversy between Christ and Satan recorded on the pages of history. Click here to download the Study Guide for this lecture: Intro [00:00] God sees the future [5:02] Joseph made prime minister in Egypt [10:53] Moses and Pharaoh [13:25] Golden calf [16:56] Serpents as covering cherubs [17:47] Isis and Osiris [18:24] Rosetta Stone [21:33] Rameses was not the pharaoh at the time of the Exodus [28:09] Tutmoses III, the pharaoh of the Exodus [32:09] Hatshepsut [34:55] Tutmoses III's rise to power [41:35] Egypt's religious shift [43:26] Tutmoses III's tomb [46:49] Amenhotep II [49:42] The "Aten" pharaohs [53:24] Ebla tablets [1:00:24] Dead Sea Scrolls [1:01:10] Tyre [1:02:00] Petra [1:08:40] Significance of three arches [1:24:07] Watch more: Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Visit our website:
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