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Three Cosmic Messages:

Earth's Final Conflict

Evangelist Mark Finley

Mark Finley - Earth's Final Conflict 2.P

the best new series out there

presentations 1-hour long

This is Why Satan Hates the Sabbath so Much | Mark Finley

This is Why Satan Hates the Sabbath so Much | Mark Finley

The Sabbath is a memorial to creation. The Sabbath is a holy time set a part by God for man to rest from his labor, rest from his daily pleasures and communion with the Creator. Contrary to what many people believe, the Sabbath is not only for the Jews. As a matter of fact the Sabbath existed before the Jewish people even started as a people or nation. In Mark 2:27 it says "And He said to them, “The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath." God created the Sabbath during the creation week and thus it was also designed to be a part of the original design before sin entered the world. Doesn't it make sense that a loving God would dedicate a special time to spend with His creation. Satan knows this and has worked very hard to get people to forget the only commandment that begins with the world Remember. It is common for Christians to think that the Sabbath was done away with at the cross. A careful study of the scriptures will reveal that only the ceremonial sabbath's that foreshadowed Christ were nailed to the cross. Watch and listen as Pastor Mark Finley presents part 8 of a series called Three Cosmic Messages. Don't forget to see the link below to our special question and answers video about the Sabbath. 🔴Tune in to a special LIVE conversation where you can ask your question's about the Sabbath. The event takes place Saturday 8/1/2020 at 6 PM eastern. Watch at the following link 🔴Related Videos: Has the Sabbath been changed to Sunday?- Which day is the Lords Day according to the Bible?- Does it Matter which day you keep the Sabbath? (Romans 14)- Let no one Judge You for not Keeping the Sabbath (Colossians 2)- Is there any work that is honorable on the Sabbath?- Is there any verse in the Bible which says Jesus made Sunday a day of worship?- Has the Calendar been changed affecting the Sabbath?- 🔴OTHER VIDEOS FROM THIS SERIES- ➡️SUBSCRIBE- to HopeLives365 💗DONATE through HopeLives365 website ➤QUESTIONS- Post in the comments section of this video 🔗Facebook- 🔗Twitter- 🔗Instagram- 🔗Website- 🔗Bible Course Website- #ThreeCosmicMessages #MarkFinley
Satan's Final Deceptions Infecting the Church | Mark Finley

Satan's Final Deceptions Infecting the Church | Mark Finley

Christianity has been infected with Satan's deceptions. Paganism and spiritualism have slipped into the church and many believers are unaware that the doctrines they have long believed are not founded in the Bible scriptures. These spiritual poisons are destroying God's people, but we should not be surprised since the book of Revelation reveals these events would take place. Satan has long worked to confuse people about the state of the dead. Do you go straight to Heaven or somewhere else? What about the change of the Sabbath to Sunday? You might be surprised to find out that both of the current mainline doctrine taught on these topics is rooted not in the Bible, but in spiritualism and sun worship. God has the truth available to you in His word. Watch and listen as Pastor Mark Finley presents part 10 of a Bible study series called Three Cosmic Messages. 🔴OTHER VIDEOS FROM THIS SERIES- ➡️SUBSCRIBE- to HopeLives365 💗DONATE through HopeLives365 website ➤QUESTIONS- Post in the comments section of this video 🔗Facebook- 🔗Twitter- 🔗Instagram- 🔗Website- 🔗Bible Course Website- #ThreeCosmicMessages #MarkFinley
Mark of the Beast and The Seal of God | Mark Finley

Mark of the Beast and The Seal of God | Mark Finley

The Mark of the Beast prophecy in Revelation 13 reveals the absolute fever pitch of Satan’s war against God. Ever since Jesus died on the cross, the enemy knows that he has been defeated, but he is determined to take down as many with him as possible. His first strategy is deception. When deception does not work, he resorts to force. He is behind a decree stating that anyone who refuses to worship the beast or receive his mark will suffer the consequences. Jesus warned that “the time is coming that whoever kills you will think that he offers God service” (John 16:2; see also Matthew 10:22 and 1 Peter 4:12). Persecution was common in papal Rome, especially during the dark ages. Like the persecutions in the past, the mark of the beast is designed to force all to conform to a certain set of beliefs and an approved system of worship. The prophecy says the persecution will involve economic sanctions; “no one may buy or sell” unless they have “the mark” (Revelation 13:17). Anyone who refuses to receive the mark will eventually be placed under a death decree (see Revelation 13:15). The devil is preparing even professed Christians, through compromise, to receive the mark of the beast. God has the truth available to you in His word. Watch and listen as Pastor Mark Finley presents part 11 of a Bible study series called Three Cosmic Messages.This is also part 1 of a 2 part series on the Mark of the beast and the seal of God. Related Video- This is Why Satan Hates the Sabbath so Much | Mark Finley Related Video- Let's talk about the Sabbath (LIVE) 🔴OTHER VIDEOS FROM THIS SERIES- ➡️SUBSCRIBE- to HopeLives365 💗DONATE through HopeLives365 website ➤QUESTIONS- Post in the comments section of this video 🔗Facebook- 🔗Twitter- 🔗Instagram- 🔗Website- 🔗Bible Course Website- #ThreeCosmicMessages #MarkFinley
Mark of the Beast 2 | Everything you need to know | Mark Finley
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