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Thank God and all the financial donors and helpers!
Project: Bible Studies for Prison Inmates (nationwide)
1000 Bible study packets were mailed out to prison inmates in 42 states nationwide

map by
Bible study guides were purchased. Thank you to Voice of Prophecy ( for donating their Discover bible guides.

Volunteers at church helped assemble the mailings.

Periodically, I check the P.O.Box for returns or inmates writing back—letters!

Thankfully, many responses (letters back)--What a blessing!!!
Just a month after the initial mailing, I’ve gotten back a 100 letters & returns!! and have been in the process of writing them back and responding.

I spend a lot of time writing them back (responding to their letters). I take time with each one, trying to spend quality-time and care with each letter, and ministering in the process--rather than rushing through each letter or giving a generic answer.


Thank you to Voice of Prophecy for donating their guides and helping this chart!

1000 Bible study packets (so 3000 bible study guides) were mailed out
approximately 85% were males
many wrote back for friendship, testimonies, and/or other requests
extra materials (such as Bible, Ellen White books, and Christian literature / bible verses) were additionally mailed out to continue to minister and support these inmates
this project was “Stepping-out in Faith” (starting the effort even though you don’t know where your money or resources are coming from)
Thank God it was accomplished!
This project is continuing into 2020, month-by-month as inmates "arrive" in prison :)
matt l.
Jail Ministry
Ft. Collins, CO
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